Monday, October 25, 2010

Helpful Sites!

Okay, so when I first started Weight Watchers I attended meetings once a week to get me motivated and to help me learn the program and what it's all really about. I loved my time in meetings, but after a while of becoming so very busy with school and work I decided that it would be better for me to do this journey on my own, and stop attending meetings. When I finally stopped I realized that I needed to keep my E-tools to help me get through this by myself, until I discovered that I didn't have to do it by myself just because I was doing the program online. The WW boards are amazing, and the members there have amazing tips, ideas, and encouragements to offer. While using the message boards I came across some other great sites that have really helped me stay on track and focused during my journey, and I thought I would share them so others who may not have heard of them can check them out.

First and probably my most favorite site is WWW.DAILYMILE.COM here is where I go to find my motivation to workout!! This site is basically a place where all fitness buffs and people who love to workout can be found. There you have the option to create a profile, and add your daily and weekly workouts to the site. Dailymile keeps track of everything from the amount of calories you burned throughout your workout to the kind of workout you did whether it was bike riding, walk, or running. I love this site because after a really intense or long workout I love to be able to post it somewhere that will keep tabs of my total miles I have walked or total minutes of exercise I did through my day. It also keeps track of them monthly as well. It's a great site to find other people in your area who are interested in working out the same way you are, and it is great for a little friendly competition!

Another site I love it WWW.FREEWEBS.COM when I first started WW I really wanted to remember what I looked like when I started, and make sure that at the end of my journey I always had something to look back on to help me remember my struggle, so I would never find myself back in the same situation. This website allowed me to make a free web page where I posted my progress pictures, my weekly weight in results, my weekly workout results and so much more. On this site pretty much anything goes you can add and make the site totally devoted to whatever it is your heart wants. I love knowing that when I have finally hit goal I will have something to look back on that documented through words and pictures my battle with losing weight!

The Third Site I would love to recognize is this very site itself WWW.BLOGGER.COM I came here looking to start a new food blog for myself, and ended up discovering so many other helpful blogger's sites right here. Some of the other members of WW have their own blogs on here and by following one another we offer a support system that really helps one another keep the battle going and stay strong when times get rough. I love that all the blogs are different some revolve around recipes, others about food budgeting and meal planning. This site can be very useful to people out there who are looking for people in the same situation they are. With all the people in the world we can sometimes end up feeling small and insignificant, but with a site like this where you can find so many people who are going through what you are it really helps keep up your spirits and your will to fight!


  1. That oversize site looks awesome. I'm trying to make myself walk or run more so that could be very useful, thanks!

  2. No prob one of the girls in WW told me about it a couple months back now I'm on there all the time posting my workouts to keep track of my AP's for the week it works great!
