Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Appetite Is Back!

Okay, so for the first time this week I am starting to feel better and actually had an appetite! This morning I came home from work, and wasn't sure what I wanted to eat. Well with sleep calling my name I decided to eat a quick bowl of Cinnamon Life cereal it is my all time favorite, and I loved every bite this morning!!

I have been taking a steroid all week to help clear up a nasty sinus infection, and I think it really drove my appetite into gear for lunch today. I wasn't sure what I wanted at first, but then I remembered I just bought a new Whole Wheat pasta that I wanted to try. So... I busted out my frying pan and tossed some EVOO into it along with some minced onion, green bell pepper and a little bit of garlic. One it was all nice and heated through I poured in my Black Olive, and Mushroom tomato sauce. I knew I had one piece of Texas Toast left in the freezer so I pulled that out as well and threw it in the oven to get nice and crispy... I'm glad I made a little bit too much now I know I will have great left overs for lunch tomorrow!!

For work tonight I wanted to make sure I brought plenty of low point foods and ones I know would fill me up. I lost a lot last week, and wanted to make sure that I was staying full but also really on track this week so I wouldn't end up with a major gain due to the medication I am on. Tonight I brought with me:

Fruits: Apples, Red Grapefruit, Sliced Strawberries!!
Veggies: Carrots, Celery
Protein: Cheese Cubes and a  Ham and Cheese on a Sandwich Thin! (Spicy Brown Mustard!)
Others: Blueberry Nutri-Grain Bar, Jello Dark Chocolate Mousse!

Overall I would say that today went well I finally had my appetite back, and out of 32 daily points I consumes 31! I have plenty to keep me full and satisfied while at work, and even 1 point left to spare If I decided to pop me a bag of Smart Pop later and munch away. Tomorrow I hope I still have my appetite there are only so many days in the week you can eat Saltines and Tea lol!!


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon! Medications can really whack you out.

    I seriously need to start planning my day out more. I just tend to change my mind a lot because once the time comes I dont feel like what I've what I planned so I stopped planning but then I have days like today and yesterday where I just went way over from silly little snacks.

    I admire your dedication to planning it all out like that! Plus I like seeing your meals every day good reminder for myself.

  2. Thanks! These meds are now def. giving me the munchies I'm glad all I brought with me tonight were fruits and veggies or I would be in some real trouble. I used to hate planning my meals out, but once I started school back up as well as work I have like no time to wast going back and forth on food choices I just need to know what's what and cook it lmao. Most of the time I stick to it, but other days I get better ideas and have to change it up a little. I have a few recipe ideas from other WW members blogs I want to try out and add to my page so if your looking for ideas I should have some new stuff up soon I hope!
