Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 6 . . . Food Journal

Okay so let me start out by saying that I stepped on the scale this morning, and for the first time in almost 3 months I had a large loss!!! I don't know if it's because this food blog has me motivated to keep on track, and try better healthier things, but whatever it is I'm greatful!! I lost 5.5 POUNDS this week!! I couldn't have been happier with myself for sticking with it this week and not giving up after my gain last week.

This morning I once again slept through breakfast being as I had a very late night the day before. When I finally woke up it was time for lunch. I decided to make something that was simple and fast so I heated up a quesadilla. It was made with grilled chicken breast, Montery Jack cheese bell peppers, and onions. I also added salsa to the side as well as a little low point sour cream! It was very tasty and quick to make I suggest these to all people in a hurry! If you want to make them better you can always toast the shells in a frying pan to make them crunchier it gives them a really nice texture when your eating them!

After eating the Dilla's I decided I wanted something sweet, and I just couldn't bring myself to eat another piece of the pumpkin spice cake again because I have been eating it all week. Instead I sliced up some strawberries and banana's and topped them with a little bit of Fat Free Cool Whip! Let me tell you I have never tasted anything so refreshing and lite for dessert it was amazing I guess people pair these two fruit up often because when mixed the flavors compliment each other so well! This time I remembered to use a ripe banana, and the sweetness from it saved me from having to add any sweetner to this dish at all!

Tonight I have to head back into work :( Oh well I guess I should be used to it by now since I haven't hit any lotteries as of late. I decided to make a Chicken sandwich with Baby Swiss cheese on Rye bread tonight. I normally don't use the Rye because it's more point's then the sandwich thins, but I had plenty of points to spend so I splurged! I was going to bring a larger salad to work with me tonight, but had to settle on a smaller version because I was out of my usually salad fixings. I ended up throwing Romain lettuce, cucumbers, and grated cheese into a bowl and adding some left over bell peppers. I really wanted to get some more fruit in so I decided to take a Ruby Red grapefruit cup with me, and added a pre-packaged container of cheese cubes, grapes and apples to go with everything else. Also tonight since it's the beginning of my new week, and I have my 35 extra weekly points to work with I decided to add a very small mix of M&M's, Reese's Pieces, and York Peppermint Pattie Bites into a little container; this way I can nibble on a couple of candy bites if I get the hot's for something sweet, but it's not enough to ruin my point's count for the day!

Now that I am starting this new week I hope to remain on track, and try and get in some new recipes! I don't expect to lose much this week by staying on track because I had such a large loss this week already, but I am hoping to keep getting in my body toning exercises and my cardio, and hopefully lose some inches! Today out of 32 points I ended up eating all 32! This is a good and typical day people on WW are not supposed to have any dailies left, so for today I think I did very well staying on track !


  1. Congrats on the loss.

    I dont eat quesadillas a lot but when I do I love them with ham and cheese!

  2. Hmmm I have never tried that! Thanks for the idea I will have to make that kind next. I am always looking for new recipes and idea's thanks!

  3. My mom did it sometimes growing up and when I went to Mexico I found out they're really popular there. They do a white cheese with ham but I like sharp cheddar with some ham lunch meat. super quick too.

  4. Probably lower in points as well as faster since you have to grill up the chicken ahead of time where as you can just grab the ham from the fridge and go!! Def. going to make that and post it on here in the future!
