Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Food 2 Cutie . . . The Purpose of This Blog

Okay first off let me introduce myself... My name is Stephanie, and I am a 24 year old college student who lives in Daytona Beach, Fl. From high school on I have struggled with my weight, and I tried almost everything known to man, before I decided it was time to really put in the effort and get myself healthy once and for all. I joined Weight Watchers almost 2 years ago, and for the first 8 months I did amazing I lost almost 60 pounds! After the first 8 months I started to have some health problems and a couple of surgeries. During that time and for the 6 months following that time I slipped and went back to my old ways of eating for no reason, and I backed way off my workout schedule. Now I have gained back almost 25 of those pounds I lost, and I'm furious with myself for slipping up. Weight Watchers has taught me well though, and I know that it's never to late to get right back on wagon each day is a new day with a fresh beginning, and this is what I'm hoping and looking forward to now. I plan on making a Visual Food Journal on here each day. I will be posting pictures of everything I eat through out the day. I will also be including how many points I have eaten in that day out of how many points I am allowed. For those of you who don't follow WW plan points are used to help up figure out how much we can each within the day and still lose weight by the end of the week. I have great hope that by posting on here each day I will feel more accountable for the things I eat, and will be more tempted to stay on track. If this goes well I think I will also be including how much I have either lost or gained each week. My main goal is that in a years time I will have stayed on track and lost weight, and that I will also have something really awesome to look back on! For those of you who read and  follow my journey I would love to receive comment's and suggestions on menus for the following days or weeks, as well as advice on how to spruce up choices, as I know I tend to stick with the same things when I get busy. I'm looking forward to this next chapter in my life and the rest of the year on here!


  1. yay stephanie!!!! i need to set my blog up soon so i can follow you. lol

  2. Reena!! Yeah that would be great let me know when yours is set up I will totally follow it lol.
