Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 2 . . . Food Journal

Okay so this morning I came home from work, and wasn't really sure what I felt like having. I was tempted to make some banana oatmeal, but then I thought too many banana's already this week lol. I finally decided to pour myself a bowl of Total Plus with Omega 3 and Flax and Almond Clusters! I love this cereal and it contains a lot of great vitamins that I usually go without. To make it even a little bit tastier I added a couple of sliced strawberries, and it was like eating a little piece of heaven... Oh and for the milk it was skim all the way baby. I can't drink whole milk anymore I find it way to thick ewww.

I decided to eat an actual meal for lunch today instead of just a salad. I had a real bug on for some chicken so I made a boneless skinless chicken breast with chicken gravy, and paired it with a delicious sweet potato... When I cracked that sweet potato open the smell hit me, and my mouth instantly watered I love this time of year they taste the best! I was debating on what other veggie I wanted to eat with my meal when I remembered I had a jar of red cabbage in the pantry. . . Needless to say I'm a cabbage freak and choose that right away. Dinner really filled me up, and I was glad that I had changed up my menu from yesterday. I tend to make the same things day in and day out so today was a good change up day for me.

After dinner I watched the Yankee game for a while, and after they won I was so happy I decided that I was going to mini splurge on my dessert for the night! I went to the freezer and pulled out my favorite ice cream.. Moose Tracks Mint Ice Cream.... I don't think I even need to get into the oowey gooey goodness of this ice cream I think it's name speaks for itself! I put half a cup into my bowl and topped it with a dab of Fat Free Cool Whip, and drizzled it with Sugar Free chocolate syrup. It def. hit my sweet tooth, and wasn't actually that many points which really cheered me up!

For work I decided to pack myself another sandwich, but this time instead of honey ham I chose to make a Boar's Head Rotisserie Seasoned Chicken and baby swiss on an Arnold's sandwich thin. I love the sandwich thins they are one of the lowest points in bread for WW and they taste amazing I use the multi-grain one as I think it has the best flavor. I added to my sandwich, a pre-packaged fruit and cheese cup. It contains grapes, apple slices and a couple of cubes of cheddar cheese. I love cheese but it can get to pointy sometimes so these pre-portioned containers are great! I also added another 100 calorie pack of cookies to the mix in case I feel the need for a sweet later on. I also decided to bring another container of Ruby Red grapefruit as last nights tastes so refreshing and juicy in the wee boring hours of work lol. I knew I was going to need something a little filling to munch on tonight, so I made myself a mini bag of the Smart Pop, popcorn it is very low in points and always does a great job of filling me up so I don't snack on bad things at work! As well as the water I bring on a nightly basis I decided to add a bottle of the low calorie blue Gatorade to work as well. Sometimes getting in the required fluids can be tricky if you just stick to water water water, this was a nice way to mix things up.

Out of my allotted 32 points for the day, I managed to keep myself at 31 leaving me the option to grab another 1 point snack if I feel the need later on in the night. I was really happy with my food choices for the day, I had a somewhat different menu then the day before and my choices really filled me up and kept me full through out the day. I'm hoping that tomorrow I can keep up with my  points just as well, and maybe even squeeze in a workout, and walk. Today the baseball game was on, and I was to tempted to leave the house to workout. I would really love any advice on new dishes or ideas, so if you think of something just shoot me a comment, and I will try to make it happen!

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