Sunday, November 7, 2010

Success in Small Doses!!

So this weekend started off really crappy I was sick at work all Thursday night into Friday morning. I have no idea what I ate that made me that sick, but I honestly hope I never eat it again... Sleeping most of Friday I didn't eat much, but some soup and crackers. I ended up going to my friends house that night, and we watched Get Him to the Greek, and The Crazies... Get Him to the Greek was fabulously funny, in fact I laughed so much my stomach hurt horribly combined with the previous nights throwing up :( 

Sat. was a huge success for me. I went to the County Fair with my best friend and her son, mom, and sister. The fair smelled amazing there was food everywhere I'm talking about anything you could have dreamed up it was there. My friends ate fried cheesecake, and when they offered me some I PASSED!! That right there was huge for me I normally would have been the first in line to buy one, but at 6 bucks a pop I'm glad I wasn't not to mention the million calories I also saved myself. 

I had to physically drag myself away from the deep fried Reese Cups, and the hot fresh FUNNEL CAKE! After I got home from the fair I ate half a chicken sandwich, and took a nap because I knew it was going to be girls night out, and I was going to need a power nap. The girls decided to drink at our place before we went out, so we could save on money thankfully I had been sick earlier in the week and only decided on drinking 2 shots with them before we left for the club I didn't want to chance getting sick all over again. 

The club was kind of boring at first, so I ended up drinking a drink or two. At the end of the night when I got home I thought about all the points I must have drank and then promptly freaked out. After going back though and realizing that through out the whole night I only had 2 shots and a couple of mixed drinks I didn't actually consume that many points. I also realized that the whole day I had been so busy I had only eaten once, so some of those drink points wouldn't be taking away any of my weeklies I was happier with myself. I know I should have eaten more and drank less, but this weekend we all really needed to get out and have some fun. 

Overall the going to the fair and not eating the crazy wonders that stared me down the whole time, and only drinking a fraction of what I normally do when I'm out I have to say I am finally please with myself. Not more than a year ago I was at that same fair pigging out on Philly Cheese Steak subs, Cotton Candy, and Funnel Cake. I also would have willingly given up those weeklies and more without second thought. I'm glad this year I found my willpower and stuck to making healthier choices for myself. Honestly the Funnel Cake is good, but it's not worth the extra miles I would have to do to walk it off!

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