Thursday, November 4, 2010

A New Beginning!

So tonight I realized where I'm having my difficulties with WW. I found myself looking at my stats and seeing that I had lost almost 60 pounds since I started and felt amazing. The problem with that is I have actually lost almost 80 pounds, but have recently started majorly slacking and have been slowly gaining some of it back. I noticed that I when I look at my stats and still see a nice size loss I don't pay attention to the fact that HELLO I HAVE 90 MORE POUNDS TO LOSE!!

I think I need to trick my brain into thinking that I'm starting this whole process over again. I have switched my stats on the WW boards to reflect my current weight as my starting weight. and from here on out I'm going to pretend like I am joining WW for the first time instead of continuing on down the road I have been on for the last couple of months. While the last few weeks have been okay I really think I need a fresh start. I need to get back to the days where I wrote ever little bit of food I ate down, and measure out my cereal and milk to make sure I'm being exact with things like that. 

I know many others have tried this and have found some success with it, so I'm hoping that by doing this as well I will be even more excited to start losing again, and getting my mojo back because honestly I have felt lost like I just don't know who or what I am anymore, and I'm getting sick of that feeling. It's time to wake the hell up and really focus on this. 60 pounds is a great loss, but in 2 years time I could have easily doubled that number. Hopefully now I will have more incentive to do so!

I'm adding my most recent picture to this blog as a reminder to me of my new starting point, and that while I have lost I still have way more to go. I know I can do it this time, and while I may have a few bumps and bruises along the way it will be way worth it to myself in the end!!

Me with my best friend Ash... My New WW Starting weight is 259 pounds!! I'm hoping by this time next year I will be as in shape and as healthy as she is.


  1. Girrrl! Look how far you've come! Dont beat yourself up about that! We all come to a point where we feel like "what the in world have I been doing?" And we need to start fresh. BUT! Dont push aside where you've come from and how much you have already acomplished! Remember it, and use it to help you push yourself farther and harder.

    I have just started getting back to tracking, because I was cocky for awhile and that wasnt working for me. BUT take it one day at a time! Heck even one meal at a time. And if you mess up, dont beat yourself up! Press the stinking delete button and move on. Mistakes happen, its a lifestyle not an overnight magical thing!

    And as my leader always says, "Its a marathon not a sprint."

  2. You look great! I am at the same point you are at right now. Not really tracking 100% and feeling like I need a 'fresh' start. I was thinking about changing my weight on my weight tracker and changing my WI day to Monday's to keep me more accountable over the weekends. I also need to get back to planning out my meals ahead of time. I was doing so well for awhile. Part of it is I don't have my laptop anymore and I used to plan a lot of my lunches/dinners while I was watching TV at night. I have a desktop but its downstairs and I don't like going down their to use the computer. I'm hoping to get a new laptop around Thanksgiving time. Hopefully someone is having a good sale on them.

    Hang in there. I have faith that we can do this! I'm mystic001 on the WW boards.

  3. i like your shirt steph!!!! anyway we've chatted and i'm not gonna be repetitive but you know i think youre doing a fab job!!!

  4. Heather- I'm not going to fully push aside my weight loss so far, I still kept my total weight loss in my profile on the WW boards, but this way I have a fresh start and with it motivation to get those numbers back down.. I love the " It's not a marathon it's a sprint" quote I will have to keep that in mind from now on!

    Amanda- I know what you mean about getting cocky with the tracking I was thinking to myself Oh I have done this for so long I can do it in my head... well that hasn't worked out well for me so going back to basics and writing it all down in my WW tracker is really going to help I know we can do this because we ROCK girl!!

    Reena- Thanks I love my shirt too, I'm just hoping to be able to buy a similar one in a reg size next year instead of 1x ya know lol!

  5. Good for you on your loss!

    I think its great to see how far you've come, but I think it can also be beneficial to focus on future goals too.

    I fall into the trap of "well I used to be 305 and now I'm 170 so I'm not fat" which I'm not. I'm proud of myself and love myself...but it also means I dont always work as hard as I did the first time to lose the rest of the 10-15 pounds I really want to lose.
