Okay, so for the last 2 weeks I have been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. First was my parents 25th wedding anniversary party I hosted 2 days later it was my grandfathers 75th birthday party, and then a couple of days after that we did Early Turkey day for my brother while he was home. I thought I had done pretty well with counting points and eating okay, and last weeks scale visit was a pleasant one, but after today sneaking a peek I think last week went horrible and it's all catching up to me now!! I know your weight fluctuates between 1 and 5 pounds a day so I could be off by some, but as of this mornings early peek I am up 6 pounds... ***Shakes head*** I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of their sockets when I saw that this morning. I had assumed with all my running around and being more active then normal it would help burn off some of the extra calories I ate, so I have not gotten in a decent workout since last week sometime.
As I write this I am making a vow to get off my lazy ass in the morning come hell or high water, put on my walking shoes and get in at least 2 miles if not more. I used to walk every morning, and come racing home to count up all my AP's and eat a healthy breakfast before bed. It seems as of late though I am very tired in the mornings and just give up on even the thought of walking. I really can't afford to have this set back I am already working on losing the weight I had gained back now I will be even farther behind. I honestly don't know why I screw myself over like this, but it's going to STOP NOW!!
I have a little over a month before I go back to class, so I am setting a small goal. I want to work out at least 3 times a week, and I want to have lost 10 pounds and have kept it off before the New Year. It may not seem like a good goal to some, but it is doable for me when I stay on track and get in my workouts the problems is I have been letting my self yo-yo back and forth and it's doing more damage then good.
I will keep my blog updated each day as to my point consumption and my workout efforts for the day. I have been letting this slide to long and it's time to take back control of my life once and for all!!
I think that sounds like a good goal.
ReplyDeleteI'm also in the same boat as you. I've been so stressed and busy with school ending in a few weeks and the holidays coming that I keep being gone for at least half my meals half the week and I've ended up way overeating and the scale shows.
Sometimes you just have to start over. :)
I know it just sucks that I let myself slide this much I mean for a couple of weeks I was doing great then I got super busy and when the real challenge hit I just caved or something. It pisses me off that I didn't hold firm, but now that I will be starting over I will have the chance to correct that mistake.