Monday, November 29, 2010


So the new plan started for me this morning, and after reading everything the website had to offer about the new plan I new it was def. time I head into a meeting and get all the facts. I plan on going in on Thursday my normal WI day to get all the new info, but for now I tried my best to get the new hang of things. Here is what's changed for me on the new plan:

ProPlus Allowance Daily- 41
Old Points Allowance- 33
New Weekly ProPlus Allowance- 49
Old Weekly Point Allowance- 35

ProPlus Fruits/Veggies Value- 0 !!
Old Fruits/Veggie Value- 0-3 depending

So I took a couple of Screen Shots of my Tracker for today, and as you will see by the end of today I had 17 points left over even after the stuff I brought to work with me to eat overnight! I guess I didn't realize how much I counted for fruits and veggies before. With all of these left over points I did realize that I didn't get in any dairy today, but I hit almost all my other GHG's and still was short... I will def. have to plan better, because while I like having a few points left to play around with at the end of the day 17 is just to many to do me any good. 

I really made a mess of this first day, and while I ate pretty well I do see that I need to add in Dairy on a daily basis which I normally do, but I'm out of milk and cheese at the moment. I also forgot to take my multi-vitamin today, and didn't get in a workout :( So while I may still have this many points left over for the day I know I need to focus more on getting all my GHG's completed during the day, and really plan my weeks out better from now on. This new program will take a bit of getting used to but I think I will really like it once I have all the facts and have more time to get into things. Today was basically a throw whatever I had left in the fridge into my tummy day.

My Goals for Tomorrow:

* Eat all points
* Get in all my GHG's
* Take Multi-Vitamin


  1. I couldn't believe how many pts I had left at the end of the day. After dinner I had 7 and for me that's a lot. I ended the night with an apple and peanut butter because I couldn't think of anything else to use my pts on. I love this new plan even though it is going to take some work getting used to.

  2. Def. going to take some getting used to... Today I planned better and made pasta for dinner which added points pretty quickly even with using Whole Wheat pasta. Today I only had 2 extra DP's, I also feel like I'm eating more with this new plan I just hope it really works and we don't all end up gaining lol.
