Monday, November 1, 2010

Eating Day From Hell!!

So I'm not sure what the hell happened to me this morning all I know is today was so not a good eating day!!! I had nothing taken out of the freezer to make today, so I guess that really screwed me up...

I started off my day by making horrible choices I went to BK instead of going home for cereal or an omlette. I ate 3 blueberry biscuits with the stupid point unfriendly icing that they come with then I scarfed down a medium hash brown on top of it :( The only saving grace for this morning is that my gram ate the 4th one for me!

By Lunch time my shoulder was hurting I was in a really bitchy mood and didn't feel like making anything yummy or healthy to eat so I grabbed a small bowl of cereal and a donut.... (CAN YOU TELL I MAKE BAD CHOICES OR WHAT)

For Dinner I finally made a  semi smart move and made some brown rice with veggies. I don't think this good choice will in anyway make up for this mornings debacle, but at least I didn't add a Whopper onto the point count or something so I am giving myself props for that! I decided to take a turkey sandwich thin to work with me and some grapes, and grapefruit along with some WW popcorn.

All I can really say about today's fiasco is I have def. learned my lesson my stomach hurts from all the garbage I pumped into it today, and I feel sluggish and uncomfortable.. I am really looking forward to tomorrow when I start my new running program...

I also got smart and took out some pork chops from the freezer before I came into work, and already have my meals for tomorrow all planned out. I'm just glad that my WI isn't until Sunday I'm hoping to get enough AP's in this week to counteract Halloween and last weeks gain!!!



  1. I think we all have days like that.

    Good for you for having a healthy dinner though! A lot of times when we make bad choices its easier to feel like it doesnt matter what else we eat and to just start tomorrow, but every healthy choice counts.

  2. Thanks!! I usually do that if I mess up I keep messing up till the next day which is bad. I'm glad I decided to get in a healthier dinner choice it made the night a little more redeemable lol!
