Monday, January 9, 2012

Feelin Good!

So this is my 6th night in a row that I have gotten in a workout and I'm feeling great... I think the hardest part was getting back into the swing of things but now that im doing it I know it's going to really pay off in the end. I hope Zumba continues to kick my butt into shape!!! Even with all the shit going on in my life right now I feel like for once I'm in control again I just hope I can keep it that way this time.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ohhhh New Year!!

Okay New Year this is how it's gonna go and I don't want to hear any crap from you about it:

First your going to be amazing... I'm going to graduate form college and finally get to stop working crap dead end jobs just to pay the bills... I'm going to keep going to zumba classes with my workout slave driver and I'm going to continue to eat healthy and avoid making bad choices!!! And for some reason if I do slip and make bad choices I won't be allowing myself to wait forever to make them right again... So here it is New Year I'm telling you how it's going to be this year and if you don't like it then I guess you will just have to make someone else's year suck because you really screwed me last year, and I'm not letting it happen again this year so watch your back baby!!!

Now that I have taken care of that I just want to say Happy New Year to everyone and that I hope you all have a great year as well. For all my fellow WW out there now is the time to kick a little ass and lose some as well! I spent the last year gaining back over 60 of the 110 that I lost and while I know it's my own fault I am choosing to fix this situation before I end up back at square one completely. Anyone else in the same boat just know it's never to late to wake up and get back on track!!!