Hey all I know it has been forever since I last posted I swear this time though I will be posting way more often. It has been a crazy couple of months for me around here with school and all now that I have been away on clinicals. I'm getting ready to head back out for 2 more months at the hospital for school, so I'm hoping with all the extra walking around and movement I will get back on track in no time. I haven't been taking photos of my food in months, and I think that it really helped me stay on track last time with the whole losing weight and keeping myself in check so I have made a promise to myself that as soon as I go shopping tomorrow and get things stocked in the fridge I will be making healthier choices and publishing the evidence here online so all can keep me in check lol. I miss how I felt when I was doing so well recently I have putt a crap load of weight back on and I have been living in denial about it well NO MORE!!! I am back this time and refuse to let this get me down I know I have a long road ahead of me since I gained back like 50 pounds from the last time I was on here it's sad to say, but I know I can do this and keep it off for good this time I just needed to get my priorities straight and commit to it again. I hope all of you out there are having an easier time of it then I am!!! Hope to hear all your advice and motivation along this way this time just like last time it really helps a girl out!!