Monday, January 31, 2011

Physics... Physics... & More Bleepin Physics!

So I just started my second class in my DMS program, and this one happens to be physics of acoustic instrumentation. Well let me tell you the day this class is over I will either be hanging my head in shame because I failed or out grabbing the biggest drink in the world to celebrate passing.. I don't think I have ever seen this much physics shoved into a month of class. Our book is well over 500 pages and it we will have to know it back to front in less then a month for our final.. I thought weight loss was going to be hard, but I would rather tackle that any day of the week when compared to physics for ultrasound! 

I must say though that since classes have started back up I have not been as good about cooking my meals at home, I have been eating out to much lately and my scrubs are starting to get tight :( I have decided that while I don't have the 40 dollars a month to spend on WW I will still do the online again even though I don't like it as much, so at least I have a way to keep track of my points. I also decided to make my physics notes online as a pdf file and upload it to my nook so I can read and study while on working out on the treadmill when I get a chance. 

I bought the Wii Zumba a month back or so and while I like the dancing I think they go way to quickly through the basics and you really don't have that much of a chance to pick up on the steps they should really slow that down for us since we are beginners here!!! Oh well the music is a lot of fun anyway!

Monday, January 3, 2011


I don't even think I can put into words how excited I am to finally be starting my core classes for my DMS degree (Diagnostic Med. Sonography). I have been waiting for 6 months for classes to begin and today they finally started!! I knew this class was going to be a lot of work, but I guess until I was in class looking at all the things that we will be covering in the first month alone I really had no clue how in depth this class was going to be.

My professor seems pretty awesome, and her former students all seem to love her and come back to say hi on their breaks from other classes, so that seems to be promising! I have a long 16 month haul in front of me, but I know now that I have nights off to study and focus on nothing but school I will do really well. I don't want to make time rush by any faster that it already is, but I just really can't wait until I'm done with classes and have my degree life will be mine then and I can really get the hell out of Daytona and onto something different for a while.

I just learned today that once your a registered Sonographer you can work all over the world because it's a world wide recognized degree... Hello Ireland, Greece, Australia, New Zealand... and many more amazing places I have been dying to see my whole life... I'm so happy I decided to go in this line of work I can see it being an amazing career choice.